Discover Panamanian Coconut Rice with Pigeon Peas!

By kisha gulley

Arroz Con Guandu y Coco

Explore the rich flavors of this traditional Caribbean dish. Click to learn how to make Coconut Rice with Pigeon Peas!

Prep Time: 25 Min

11 tbsp Coconut oil 1 cup of Rice 1 can of Pigeon peas 2 tbsp. Sofrito with Culantro 1 tbsp. minced garlic Salt 1 cup of coconut milk 1 cup of water

Cook Time: 25 Min


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Why Pigeon Peas are Perfect for Coconut Rice

Learn about the nutritional benefits and unique flavor that pigeon peas add to this dish. A must-try combination!

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Ready to Cook Coconut Rice?

Transform your meals with this simple yet delicious Coconut Rice with Pigeon Peas recipe. Visit my blog for more details and full recipe!

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