Manifesting self-love is a transformative process that involves cultivating a deep and genuine appreciation for oneself.

There are a few things I struggle with. One thing is recognizing when I need to take time to focus on myself and remembering how to manifest self-love. As cliche as it sounds, the relationship you have with yourself is the absolute foundation of everything in your life. How you treat yourself, talk to yourself, and feel about yourself sets the tone for everything else – your relationships, your choices, and your overall happiness. When you truly love and accept yourself, you become your biggest cheerleader and your own best friend. It’s like having an unshakeable confidence and resilience that can take on any challenge. Investing in a healthy and loving relationship with yourself is like watering a plant – it blooms and thrives in ways you can’t even imagine.
I speak about self-care often. I’m always telling other people to recite daily affirmations. And I know self-care means something different to everyone. However, for me, it turned into a bunch of different ways to actively focus on my depression, anxiety, and ADHD. But you are your own constant, and the love you have for yourself will ripple out and impact every aspect of your life. I have to be intentional every single day. Loving myself fearlessly requires working on my mental health on a regular basis.

“When was the first time you felt empowered as a Black woman?”
What is Manifestation?
Manifestation refers to the process of bringing something into reality or making something visible or apparent. It is often associated with the idea that our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions can influence the external world and lead to the realization of our desires or goals. Positive manifestation, also known as positive thinking or the law of attraction, is the belief that you can attract positive outcomes and experiences into your life by focusing on positive thoughts, emotions, and intentions.
How can someone learn how to manifest self love?
Developing a sense of love can lead to increased self-esteem and self-confidence in powerful ways. I want to stress that this isn’t some kind of magical fix. However, the first step is to make positive changes in your daily life. You can start off with little things to get to your best self.
Here are some practical steps to help someone manifest self-love:
Practice Self-Compassion
Practicing self-compassion is all about treating yourself like you would treat your best friend. It’s about giving yourself a break when you’re going through a tough time and showing understanding when you make mistakes. Avoid self-criticism and negative self-talk, replacing it with positive self-talk and understanding. I have to remind myself I am a human being and deserve the same kindness and support I give everyone else. Self-love affirmations are a powerful tool for a positive and supportive internal dialogue. I even do positive affirmations with my children!
Set Healthy Boundaries
You know I love boundaries! Setting boundaries for self-love is like giving yourself a protective shield that empowers you to honor your needs and preserve your well-being. Establish and communicate boundaries to protect your well-being and prioritize your needs. Saying “no” when necessary and respecting your limits are essential to self-love. One of the most important things I ever did was set personal boundaries. It has really helped me learn how to communicate effectively. Not only that but I am advocating for myself.
Practice Mindfulness
Stay present and non-judgmental in the moment. Mindfulness helps you connect with your thoughts and feelings without getting overwhelmed by them. I remember someone once told me to “stop watering dead plants.” I had to stop dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about the future and focus on being fully present with what is happening now. Mindfulness is about focusing on the here and now, acknowledging whatever is happening in the present moment.
Prioritize Self-Care
Self care and self love are closely interconnected. Self-love means making time for activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul. The best thing to do is engage in hobbies, exercise, meditate, or spend time in nature to rejuvenate yourself. Recognize that your needs are essential and deserve attention and nurturing. By dedicating time and effort to care for yourself, you send a message that you are worthy of love and positive things. A great way for me to make a fresh start every morning is by taking a few moments of “ME TIME” with my cup of coffee.
My self love mantra: “Caring for my body helps me care for my mind.”

Celebrate Achievements
Please hear me when I say, “Celebrate yourself, sis!” No matter how small or insignificant you might think it is. Recognizing and celebrating your achievements is a way of validating your efforts and progress. It reminds you that your work is valuable and that you are capable of achieving your goals. Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, both big and small. Recognizing your successes is the best way to boost self-esteem and manifest confidence.
Forgive Yourself
Therapy has been essential to my healing process. My therapist helped me see that holding onto guilt and shame can be detrimental to your self-esteem and overall well-being. Forgiving yourself allows you to release these negative thoughts. Embrace the fact that everyone makes errors and that it’s an opportunity for growth. It reminds you of your ability to overcome obstacles and bounce back from setbacks, which is essential for maintaining self-love during difficult periods.
Surround Yourself with Positivity
Most of us have heard the phrase, “You are the company you keep.” Choose to spend time with people who uplift and support you. I have made it a point to be intentional about my friendships. We moved to Arizona 4 years ago. And for the first time, I felt really lonely. But, as time has passed I have made healthy relationships with people who genuinely make me feel good.
Practice Gratitude
Focus on the things you are grateful for in your life. Gratitude shifts your mindset towards positivity and fosters self-appreciation. One of the ways I do this is by journaling. Keep a self love journal or notebook dedicated to writing down things you are grateful for each day. I take a few minutes at the end of the day, before bedtime or in the morning to reflect on the positive experiences. I write about moments of joy or things that made me feel thankful.
Engage in Self-Reflection
Take time to understand yourself better. Reflect on your desires, values, and aspirations. This self-awareness helps you align your actions with your true self. One of the easiest ways to do this is with meditation. Set aside quiet time for meditation, where you can calmly reflect on your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Meditation can help you gain clarity and a deeper understanding of your inner world.
Let Go of Comparisons
Avoid comparing yourself to others. It’s easy to get sucked into the trap of looking at others and thinking they have it all figured out while you’re still trying to figure yourself out. Social media makes this especially hard. But let me tell you something: comparing yourself to others is a one-way ticket to feeling inadequate and unfulfilled. Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, and we’re all on different paths with our own set of challenges and triumphs. Embrace your individuality and focus on your own growth and progress. Embrace your strengths and work on your weaknesses without measuring yourself against others. But most important, embrace your own journey and trust that you’re making strides in the right direction.
Be Patient with Yourself
When it comes to manifesting self-love, one of the most crucial things is being patient with yourself. It’s not an overnight thing, but a journey of self-discovery and growth. You might have some rough days, and that’s okay. Be kind to yourself during those moments. Remember, it’s all about progress, not perfection. Embrace your imperfections and accept that it’s normal to have ups and downs.
Show yourself the same understanding and compassion you would give to a friend going through a tough time. This self-love journey is about learning to appreciate and love yourself unconditionally, and that takes time. Be patient with yourself as you grow and learn to give yourself unconditional love.

How do I manifest self-love?
I work every day to be the best version of myself. I have to remember that knowing how to manifest self-love is a gradual process that requires consistent effort on a daily basis. It’s okay to seek support from loved ones or even professional help if needed. Be gentle with yourself along the way, and celebrate each step towards embracing a more loving and fulfilling relationship with yourself.
Black Woman: We are on a journey of empowerment and embracing our authentic selves. Be gentle with yourself during moments of self-doubt and remember that you are deserving of love and respect. Embrace your brilliance, your passions, and your dreams unapologetically. Surround yourself with those who uplift and support you, and let go of those who try to diminish your light. Your worth is not determined by anyone else’s standards but your own!
Great tips! Especially the inner dialogue is so important in these rougher times✨