Positive affirmations have been great when we need some positive energy. But they can be great to incorporate into your healthy relationship with your family as well.

Our daily schedule is pretty full. We start at 6 o’clock in the morning and leave the house by seven. We take the boys to school and afterward decide if we want to go back to bed or push forward to get a workout in. One of the most important things is making sure we keep our family’s needs first, but making time for our own needs is right up there too. Because as everyone knows you can’t pour from an empty cup. It’s how we foster loving relationships. Positive affirmations have become such a powerful tool for our boys, I decided that maybe some positive family affirmations could be great for us as well.
Can family affirmations help you be a better parent?
I think one of the good things about this blog is that it has allowed me to be vulnerable and open about situations I wouldn’t have. It has been a great way for me to connect with other people, especially mothers who have sometimes felt overwhelmed and anxious. Sometimes my emotional health struggles. Whenever I am not feeling like myself I try to do my best to navigate it. In my subconscious mind, I think I have everything under control. However, whenever I hit tough times it affects my parenting.
I can barely put into words or describe how that makes me feel. I have to remind myself that I take amazing care of my family. And every member of my family is loved and cared for. Because when I’m not okay it changes our family dynamic. Hearing kind words from my kids banishes all of the negative thoughts.

Positive affirmations for when I am struggling as a mom:
- I must take care of myself so I can take care of those I love
- My family loves and values me as a mother
- I am the best parent I can be
- I am doing my best
- I am a positive role model
What is an affirmation for the family?
We love starting the day off with positive statements for the boys. But just like some people start the day in prayer we make sure to start with daily affirmations. As parents, we want to make sure our family life doesn’t mirror what the kids might be exposed to out in the world. Being able to protect our children and be their safe space is what we want for our children. We know our family’s strength lies in our loving words and positive influence.
What are some positive affirmations for family issues?
Having a reliable village and/or support system that you can depend on is so important. However when there is family drama or toxic family members that can be hard. There is also a lot of stigma surrounding therapy and mental health, especially in the black community. I want my kids to know that we will always be a supportive family and put their needs first. I want my kids to learn how to recognize when they just can’t handle certain societal pressures or if they are having a hard time coping. Depression and anxiety are so prevalent among adolescents, so I want to always keep healthy communication going about the importance of self-care.
Family Affirmations:
- Black is beautiful
- We are blessed
- My family helps me through difficult situations
- Everyone’s feelings are valid
- My family is supportive, and always there for me even through difficult times
- I hear you, I see you
- Our time together as a family is treasured and invaluable.
- We are a happy family, full of life and love.
- I am grateful to have such a supportive and involved family.
- We give each other unconditional love
- I am worthy of the love I receive from my family
- My family is there when I need emotional support
- There is value in everything we do
- Whatever we do today will be enough
- we will always try to keep open minds
- we are doing a good job
- If we need personal space we will ask for it
- Taking time for myself is not only okay, but it’s also necessary
- I do not need to and cannot be everything to everyone
- Our family is a team
- My family encourages me
- I am grateful for everyone in my family
- My family provides me with stability and support

“We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.“
Assata Shakur, activist
Do affirmations have to be said out loud?
Even though I am a firm believer that words have power, I also believe in positive thoughts. You don’t have to always do affirmations out loud for them to have power. You can say them silently on days when you are having rest, recovery, and reflection. Or even when you need a timeout from a bad day.
What are the benefits of positive affirmations?
Making sure that our family prioritizes our family mental health is how we stay in good health. Because taking care of our minds and body are vital. I have always been really transparent about my own struggles with postpartum depression and anxiety. Mental health is really important to us and I want to always make sure my family is okay. I want my kids to know help is always available. I don’t want them to ever suppress their feelings or not speak when something is bothering them.
We take family mental health days as often as we need them. Not only do we get to spend quality time with each other but when we prioritize our needs we notice a positive change. I’m hoping that this will be an opportunity for me to teach our children to identify the signs of when they are feeling overwhelmed. To listen to their bodies and to sharpen their emotional skills.
Thank you so much for your transparency! I’m a new Mom and I’m learning the importance of taking time for self-care, my bubs is 19 months. I try to just take things one day at a time. Hope you’re having a better day today!