So I was cleaning out my closet the other day and I came across a pair of pants that I remember buying a few years ago that I could never wear. I honestly bought the pants because I loved the coral color and I knew at some point I would be able to fit into them. Kind of like motivation. fast forward to last week and I was at Target getting some essentials. I decided to walk past the clothing section because let’s be honest Target has really stepped their game up.

When I saw these shorts I thought to myself I really need to incorporate some color into my wardrobe. I’m not a huge fan of pink but coral is a little more vibrant. It’s more of a hot “pinkish” “orangey” color. I know I’m doing a horrible job describing it. But when you see it you know.

When it comes to shorts I don’t own too many because they way my thighs are set up, well you know 🥴 on top of that dressing rooms are still closed here so you just have to trust that whatever clothes you buy will look good on you. But I took the leap of faith and purchased these shorts!

Yes, I was on it. I bought quite a few coral pieces and I’m glad I did because I loved all of them and I’m able to mix and match them with a ton of other options.

What are your favorite summer colors?
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